I made these animations for the Stack Overflow Instagram account to explain some of the user-submitted questions to their blog. These were published on a weekly basis.
Question: "How does light which is electromagnetic waves carry information?"

Question: "What allows a pull-back toy car to drive further than it was pushed?"

Question: "What did the Apollo missions do with old LiOH canisters & the water they produced?"

Question: "Is there a way to set up a Raspberry Pi without a keyboard, mouse or SD card reader?"

Question: What is the evidence for 'billions of neutrinos pass through your body every second'"?

Question: "How do you remove annoying click handling logic from websites?"

Question: "What are the principles of physics used in the lift of a skateboard?"

Question: "What is the commercial passenger aircraft top speed record?"

Question: "Can a file get corrupted during copying?"